Here’s To The Crazy Ones.

James Cooper
6 min readDec 8, 2021

My good friend, and often creative partner in crime, Stefan Haverkamp, died in a tragic accident while filming last month. If you knew Stefan or you think helping maverick creatives like Stefan get along in this world is important, but you can’t be bothered to read this piece, please just consider donating to his scholarship fund here. Thank you.

Stefan Haverkamp

This is the longer story.

When I got a DM telling me about the accident the immediate feeling was one of shock and intense sadness — but truthfully, not of surprise. That is not to say Stefan had a death wish. He had the exact opposite, the fullest life wish. More than anyone I know. But he would always go that little bit further to get the shot. Further than you and I.

Stefan was a one off. He had unique energy. Doer energy. Making shit happen energy. That’s why after about 15 minutes of chatting with him and seeing his book I took him on as an intern at Another Anomaly in New York, early 2008. I don’t remember if I was looking for an intern or how we got introduced, but as a writer, not an art director, I am always looking for people who can make their ideas happen.

The first idea we worked on together was Gum Election. Stefan’s idea was simple. Stick your gum on the presidential candidate you think sucks the most. A typical Stefan idea in that it referenced popular culture and solved a public need. I didn’t do much, maybe helped simplify the idea a little. We printed out a load of posters and took to the streets. That was for the 2008 election. We did the same for 2012 teaming up with one of Stefans friends, Hedvig Astrom. With no money Stefan somehow blagged us a spot on CNN.

Who does that? Stefan.

We then worked with the Miami Ad School students on producing a magazine called Celebrity Ping Pong. I was supposed to set briefs and do crits but thought making a magazine would be more real. Stefan was instrumental in pulling that together and helping me organise the launch party, to which I invited a ton of industry folk. The premise was a magazine launch and ping pong tournament, but we set up the students portfolios in the corner too. Sneaky! It was a great night. Perry Chen, artist and founder of Kickstarter, won the tournament.

I was new to the States having just moved there. I didn’t really know anyone. But my intern told Miami Ad School that I’d be a good teacher. He got me, his boss, the gig that introduced me to a ton of amazing people who have gone on to be great friends.

Who does that? Stefan.

My ping pong obsession continued. In 2012 I started a ping pong streetwear brand; Thompson Punke, in collaboration with JB, Emily and Simon at Red Antler. Of course when I needed a product shoot, Stefan did that. He turned up at the Brownstone we were about to renovate with a ton of cameras and lights. With no fashion product experience he just turns up and nails it.

Who does that? Stefan.

By now we are pretty close friends. Stefan comes round a lot. He comes to my wife’s birthday party. He gives her an axe as her gift. Not a cool hipster axe, just a regular axe from the hardware store.

Who does that? Stefan.

My wife and I went to the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. We had friends there. It’s a long fucking way from New York to Cape Town. With no job and no money, somehow Stefan makes it there too. We meet in Cape Town. He’s been blagging tickets and hitching around Africa partying with football fans from around the world.

Who does that? Stefan.

I get a big job at JWT NY. I have some power, so of course I hire Stefan. He was not made for that place. I honestly think the only actual ad agency that Stefan would have felt truly at home at was Crispin in its heyday. He just didn’t think like anyone else and refused to compromise. Which, of course is what we are SUPPOSED to do but doesn’t sit at most agencies — especially JWT New York. Things were not going well. I don’t remember him getting a single piece of work out. (I didn’t either, nothing real anyway.) I do remember him fighting to the bitter end for an idea to bring back Concorde for a brief. So much so in the end he got fired. (I did too).

Who does that? Stefan.

At that time he was deep into film-making. Every spare moment was spent on his short, Webcam. A great film about a stalker hacking into a young girl’s laptop via her webcam. This led to him making a full feature — Ratter, with the same group of friends. Stefan would ask me which Hollywood producer they should sign with. The guy who did Paranormal Activity? Like I would know. For the record the Paranormal guy turned out to be an asshole. But still he turned a short made with a few friends into a fully funded feature.

Who does that? Stefan.

I think at the same time he and I had a stupid idea for another film. The first full feature horror movie shot on Go Pros. Hence Bury was born. I wrote the script in five days. Somehow you can tell. Stefan pretty much did everything else. He set up casting though CraigsList. He got all the agreements together, giving everyone points. Because that is how Stefan approached shit — there was never any doubt in his mind that it wouldn’t be a success and so we need airtight agreements. We shot over a week in my house upstate. It was wild. A cast of six, crew of three, sometimes four. We ate, drank and slept together for that week. Stefan comes back and edits it together. But then he actually finds a distributor and gets it sold. You can watch it on i-tunes, it has an IMDB entry. A crappy film made for 10k.

Who does that? Stefan.

At a similar time Stefan gets knocked over by a UPS truck and smashes his arm and shoulder. He’s in hospital, it’s not good. He eventually gets a settlement. With that money he’s able to focus on what he loves best, full time film making. He turns getting almost flattened by a truck on 2nd Avenue into a positive life change.

Who does that? Stefan.

After that I didn’t see him so much. I left the ad industry. And had kids. But I would see him every now and then. And he would still call a lot. ‘Heeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy James. Haus it goiiiiiinnnnnnnnn man?’ Infectious enthusiasm. And when everyone else is texting, he’s still calling.

Who does that? Stefan.

My last communication with him was actually a text message. He was wearing a Thompson Punke T-Shirt climbing up the pyramids. He was obviously having a great time, but at the same time, thinking of someone else. Wanting to share the love.

I wish I could see him again. I wish I could say how amazing he was. I hope he was happy making films for the last few years. If you asked him how he would like to die he would probably say, ‘Yah making movies for sure’.

He died doing what he loved.

Who does that?


Stefans Scholarship fund raised nearly four thousand dollars. It has closed now but if visit the page you can see all the people involved and leave message of support (and I’m sure donate in some other way). Thank you.

